Unless otherwise directed (for example, by a notice under section 5 of the Act), information from agencies or organisations are to be provided electronically, in full text-searchable, multi-page PDF format. Read about how to submit information.
The Commission may make exceptions to the requirement for information to be provided electronically and in full text-searchable format as the Commission considers appropriate. Any person seeking an exception or assistance in meeting this requirement should notify the Director on (07) 3003 9711.
Individuals intending to provide information should also do so via the website. Individuals who are concerned with providing written information should notify the Director.
Information provided to the Commission may be published on the Commission’s website or otherwise made publicly available.
Any person, agency or organisation providing information to the Commission who wishes to apply for confidentiality in relation to the fact of their provision of the material, or the whole or any part of the material:
should, if they consider it necessary to address confidentiality before provision of any material, contact the Director to discuss arrangements to proceed in that regard;
subject to alternative arrangements pursuant to (a) above, when the material is provided to the Commission, provide it under cover of a written notice stating:
the part of the information or material in respect of which confidentiality is sought;
whether the confidentiality is sought in respect of the world at large or subject to acceptance of publication to some person or categories of persons; and
the grounds on which such confidentiality is asserted to be necessary and appropriate despite the public nature of the Inquiry.
organise the material provided in such a way as to indicate on its face where confidentiality is sought.
Where confidentiality is applied for in relation to material provided to the Commission, the Commissioner shall either:
determine the application on the written material and notify the person or their nominated legal practitioner accordingly. In such a case, where confidentiality is refused, the material or information in question will nevertheless be kept confidential for seven days from notification of the decision; or
notify the person or their nominated legal practitioner that they will be required to attend at a hearing of the Commission on a date to be advised for further consideration of their application.